Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Daven Turned Four

{wrote in August ...}
Our sweet boy is FOUR. F-O-U-R! It does not seem real. I remember like yesterday, giving birth to him and how I felt the first time they placed him on my chest. I remember those tiny hands curled around my fingers and his sweet, sweet smells. I remember looking over at Michael and said "We're parents." All things I hope to never forget.

He is a beautiful child. Inside and out. He wants to do good in this crazy world. Anyone seeing the world through his little eyes, would change only for the better. He sees potential in ANYTHING. I know you are thinking...he's only four. But, I've met and seen other four year olds. Daven is just different from them and his outlook in general. AND, I am not just saying that because he is mine. God made a special individual when He made Daven. 

His imagination is WILD -crazy, WILD. This year though, ALL he wanted for his birthday was a bouncy house. He wanted to jump, scream and not be told to slow down all day long. He wanted to be wild and carefree and take his imagination places. So, we rented a bouncy house. We had it for two days. Two days in the hot sun jumping, bouncing, giggling, sweating, screaming and just have fun as a four year old. He truly loved every minute of it. There were tears because he was so tired he could barely walk. 

Out of all his other birthdays this was the best one yet. It was a party threw the way Daven had imagined it to be. No structure. No Pinterest. No organization really. We did have a "theme" but that was only for the cake of what he was into this year. Money was spent on the bouncy house + the cake. Since it was so hot that day, 102 degrees of bold, scalding hot sun, we only had cake, ice cream, chips and water. LOTS of water. And, it was family and very close friends to Daven. Definitely plan on throwing more of these parties in our future! I love Pinterest, don't get me wrong. I, however, think one can get carried away and go in a little bit of a shock when they start looking through Pintestest pins and boards. You've already spent money just making your list without making it to the store yet. I'm just not a mother that wants to feel like I have to compete with other mothers .... especially on my child's party day. I want to make my family happy and seeing Daven truly happy and proud -it was all that mattered that day

His WHOLE world -his MiMi. 
His Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee Cake. 
Probably the best cake I've ever ate. Delicious!

{Daven's third birthday here.}